We are delighted to share the <AI & Equality> A Human Rights Toolbox at the 1st Greek ACM-W.
This event will take place on 24 – 25 February 2022, online
The Greek Chapter of the ACM-W (ACM’s Council on Women in Computing) is organizing a winter school to be held annually. The main goal of the school is to offer the opportunity to young computer science professionals to learn about timely topics from top scientists from around the world.
The topic of the inaugural edition is “Fairness on AI” and will take place online on February 24-25, 2022.
We live the revolution of AI. Enormous opportunities are ahead but come with dangers. AI-driven systems are increasingly being used in all aspects of society to assist, or even replace human decision making. Can we trust such systems? Every day, we use search, recommendations, personal assistants, the web, and social media to help us in all sorts of decisions from where to dine and what movie to watch, to more fundamental ones, such as our stance on political issues and worldwide events. AI is being widely used by public and private bodies to assist decisions in courts, in college admissions, and job recruitment. Issues of biased treatment, exclusion, and unfairness are raised, with concerns exaggerated by various cases catching the public attention.
In this winter school, well-renowned leaders in the field will present the exciting on-going work on addressing such concerns. The school will include seminars, talks, small working group sessions, and a panel.
Last modified: February 23, 2022