UN Commission for Science & Technology for Development
Opening: Shamika N. Sirimanne, DTL, UNCTAD
Moderator: Angel González Sanz. Head, Science, Technology + ICT Branch, DTL, UNCTAD
- H.E. Ali Taha Koç, Head Digital Transformation Office, Presidency of
Turkey - Professor Dame Wendy Hall, Professor Computer Science + Executive Director Web Science Institute, University of Southampton
- Kanchana Wanichkorn, Vice President, Office of National Higher Education Science
Research + Innovation Policy Council (NCPO), Thailand - John Shawe-Taylor, Director UNESCO Chair in AI, International Research Center
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) - Caitlin Kraft-Buchman, CEO/Founder of Women at the Table, and Co-Founder <A+> Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms