High-Level Segment of an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) organized by the Geneva Human Rights Platform + Women at the Table in support of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), to give input to the drafting of the upcoming General Recommendation N°40 of CEDAW.
Focus in this high-level segment in particular on Parity as a response to the crisis of the systems of governance today. It will be followed by an expert discussion with a separate group of experts on 20 September zooming in on the role of artificial intelligence in building on the systemic barriers, new economic models and recommendations identified from the expert group on the 19 September.
This convening is part of a series of EGMs organized in support of CEDAW and aim to feed into the upcoming General Recommendation, currently under development within the Committee, led by the Rapporteur and Member of CEDAW, Ms Nicole Ameline, former Minister for Parity and Professional Equality of France.
Last modified: August 21, 2023