Making AI Work for International Development Roundtable
Interactive discussion of speakers and discutants, facilitated by the moderator, concluding with questions from the audience.
AI tools stand to reshape the field of international development, raising questions regarding the appropriateness, efficacy, and ethics of such systems and applications. The introduction of AI into the already complex ecosystem requires serious consideration of fairness and equity, explainability and accountability, and the limitations of the data sets upon which AI platforms will rely. What ethical principles and regulatory standards should be applied to maximize positive impact while holding development agencies, corporate vendors, and foreign governments accountable? What is AI’s potential to contribute to addressing top development challenges? During this roundtable, representatives of civil society and governments will engage with international development experts and leaders to discuss the applications and limitations of AI in their field, to help identify best practices and future policy priorities in ethically and equitably applying AI in development.
Dr. Aubra Anthony, Senior Fellow, Technology and International Affairs Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Speakers (confirmed):
Jeremy Springman, Senior Research Associate, DevLab@Penn, University of Pennsylvania
Fabrizio Scrollini, Director Ejecutive, Iniciativa Latinoamericana por los Datos Abiertos (ILDA)
Gianluca Misuraca, Team Leader and Senior Expert in Technology Diplomacy, International Outreach for Human-centric AI
Marielza Oliviera, Director for Partnerships, UNESCO
Rajamanohar Somasundaram, Founder & CEO, Aqua Connect Blue
Jun-E Tan, Senior Research Associate, Khazanah Research Institute
Dr. William Wasswa, Technical Member, African Union High-Level Panel on Emerging Technologies
Urvashi Aneja, Director, Digital Futures Lab
Other participants (confirmed):
Hilde Hardeman, Director-General of the Publications Office of the EU
Jean Quérait, CEO, The IO Foundation
Merih Angin, Assistant Professor, Koç University
Shmyla Khan, Policy Director, Digital Rights Foundation
Rachel Adams, Principal Researcher, Research, ICT Africa
Rachel Gong, Deputy Director, Khazanah Research Institute
Caitlin Kraft-Buchman, CEO and Founder, Women at the Table
Dave Lewis, Associate Professor, Trinity College Dublin
Last modified: November 8, 2022