Women at the Table

Tech, Ethics, Gender, Innovation & the Economy.

Sept 28th – 15:45-17:00 CET – Room S1.
More information here.

Moderated by Caitlin Kraft-Buchman – CEO / Founder, Women at the Table / < A+ > Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms.

Every government around the globe is racing to digitize. This is an opportunity to reconceive systems for a 21st century impact. Our session explores different paths to technology and gender equal trade futures that will help rebalance inequality equations


Alissa Frenkel – Advisor, Gender Digital Divide / Gender Focal Point, Global Program Digital Transformation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Katie Clancy – Program Officer, Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

Lourdes Montenegro – Digital Sector Lead, World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA)

Adriana Quiñones – Director a.i., UN Women Liaison Office, Geneva

WTO Public Forum 2022: Towards a Sustainable and Inclusive Recovery: Ambition to Action.
27-30 September 2022.




Last modified: September 26, 2022