Women at the Table


Setting the right standards to address gender bias in research, datasets, and AI | Article published in Healthcare Transformers

The article, titled “Setting the right standards to address gender bias in research,


AI & Equality | International Organization Tech Governance

Velocity and scale of the deployment of new and emerging technologies (of which generative AI is


W@TT presents at OHCHR panel on “Most Efficient Ways of Upholding Good Governance to Address the Human Rights Impacts of the Various Digital Divides”

w@tt was thrilled to be asked to be on the OHCHR panel, bringing together key stakeholders to


AI4D Webinars:  Gender Knowledge Synthesis 

Curated by Women At The Table Sharing the work of extraordinary African AI researchers and the AI4D


Introducing the Feminist AI Research Network Global Webinars!

We’re excited to share our series of f<A+i>r Global Webinars! The entire series will profile