Women at the Table

2023 was a jam packed year for Women At The Table, here are some highlights from this year:

  • We were thrilled to be Co-Chairs of the Expert Group for 2023’s UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67). 2023 marked the CSW first ever thematic focus on Technology and Innovation. 
  • We launched the <AI & Equality> Human Rights website and community, built and launched a five module Online Course in collaboration with the Sorbonne Center for AI (SCAI), and presented the Toolbox Workshop in Atlanta, Kampala, Cairo, Paris, Cambridge,Nairobi, Santiago and Bangkok, among others.
  • Co-authored a foundational paper with the FemTechnology Summit on The Gender Data Health Gap: Harnessing AI’s Transformative Power to Bridge the Gender Health Data Divide, presented at AI House at Davos 2024.
  • Continued our work with <A+> Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms as Leadership of the UN Generation Equality Forum’s Action Coalition on Technology & Innovation for Gender Equality. 
  • We input into a variety of consultations on the intersectional and gendered dimensions of the Global Digital Compact (to be agreed upon at the Summit of the Future at the UN General Assembly September 2024).
  • The Gender Gap Application, which measures representation, active participation, and influence of women, youths and others, in events and decision-making spaces, was featured at the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)’s UN Parliamentary day at CSW67. IPU parliamentarians were feted by our partner, Thoughtworks, in New York. Discussions began on a collaboration with Code for Africa to help sustain the project.
  • Our f<a+i>r Hubs produced our first Feminist AI pilot, in Buenos Aires, and prototypes in Manila, Mexico City, Santiago & Buenos Aires, with Feminist AI funded papers and proof of concepts coming from Jakarta, Santiago, Upper Egypt, Mexico City, and Mumbai along with a series of webinars to spread the word.
  • Convened Experts on AI, and on systems change, on behalf of CEDAW, the Treaty Body Convention To Eliminate all forms of Discrimination Against Women, for consultations on their General Recommendation 40 on Equal and Inclusive Representation of Women in Decision-Making Systems.
  • Joined as Founding Members –in solidarity with colleagues  from Association of Progressive Communications, Alliance for Universal Digital Rights, Equality Now, Pollicy, Derechos Digitales, Digital Rights Foundation, UN Women, UNFPA, and World Wide Web Foundation– in an alliance advocating for Gender At The Heart of the Global Digital Compact.
  • Delivered curation & moderation  for WTO for another year of their Senior Women Leaders Network.
  • Comissioned by GIZ, we convened experts and drafted the GIZ/ITU/IDEA GOVStack Paper on “The Design of Inclusive Digital Public Services with an Intersectional Gender Lens”.
  • We collaborated with our wonderful partners Gender@Work and the Ladysmith Collective to deliver Gender Support to the nine IDRC AI4D Hubs in Africa.
  • Were selected to represent UN Women and deliver extended remarks on the annual Human Rights Council  panel on Good Governance.
  • Hosted a Farewell Reception for the amazing first cohort of the Special Procedures Working Group on Discrimination Against Women & Girls, with whom we continue to collaborate.
  • Led the Civil Society portion of the World Benchmarking Alliance’s Collective Impact Coalition on Digital Inclusion, now renamed Ethical AI.
  • Were honored as a 2023 Bilanz Magazine Digital Shaper as an AI Generator.

Last modified: May 28, 2024